34C3 - I talked about OmNomNom

Max Rosin

Between Christmas and New Year’s Eve I attended the 34C3 in Leipzig. I visited the congress before but it was the first time that I gave a presentation (at the congress) myself. At the last day of the 34C3 I talked about OmNomNom, my open source Telegram canteen chatbot, as part of the Lightning Talks. I explained the architecture of the software and the infrastructure I use to run and deploy the bot.

All talks were recorded, you can check out my talk in the embedded video. It starts at 01:24:45.

If the video does not work you can check YouTube or media.ccc.de. Despite the fact that my talk was a little too long for the five minutes time slot it was a nice experience to talk on such a big stage and luckily I was done with the important part of my talk when the time was up.

Max Rosin

I am a Systems Engineer from Germany. In my personal time I like to tinker with all kinds of technologies, some of it is available here at my blog. In my professional life I work a lot with Kubernetes and monitoring systems. Occasionally I give workshops about Kubernetes and conference talks about my work.
If you want to talk about one of my posts, feel free to reach out via Twitter.