Max Rosin

The more you work with git to manage your code (or other stuff), the messier your directory structure becomes and after a few years you will maybe end up with something like this: At least for me this happened. Most of these directories were at least actual git repositories but some were not. Obviously this is a mess and if each of the directories contains a few dozens of repositories it is getting hard to find the right one. So I was looking for a better way to organize my repositories and a friend told me about ghq . ghq makes it easy to manage all your git repositories and enforces an organized directory structure at the same time. If you work with go you will already know the…

Max Rosin

The Telegram bot API makes it really easy to use Telegram to send automated messages to yourself (or other people). A while ago I started to use this to send Icinga2 alerts to me. Several other people implemented Icinga2-Telegram notifications by writing a simple Bash script. Most of the time this works but there are a few things I do not like about the Bash solutions: They use two scripts with almost the same content. Bash can screw up really bad when your alert output contains special characters. The Bash solutions are based on environment variables. This does not work natively with Icinga2 director as it only supports arguments in command definitions. As a solution I wrote a small…

Max Rosin

From the 4th of November to the 7th of November two coworkers and I attended the OSMC 2018 in Nuremberg. We started the first day with a Prometheus workshop by Julien Pivotto . He gave us a nice overview how Prometheus works and we were able to try everything out in real time. After the workshop we had two days of interesting talks about different monitoring related topics followed by a hackathon on the last day. During the hackathon I was able to work on a new IcingaWeb2 feature and hopefully it will find its way into the upstream code :) During the second day of the conference I had the chance to give a lecture about our Icinga2 setup at SysEleven : Scaling Icinga2 with many…

Max Rosin

I found a cool tool called Peek to record a GIF with linux. Unfortunately it does not work well with i3 . So I ended up using byzanz-record instead. My only issue with byzanz is that it requires you to pass x and y coordinates when you want to record a selection of your screen and usually I do not like to count pixels before every recording... Luckily someone wrote xrectsel , a simple tool to get the geometry of a selected screen region. By combining xrectsel and byzanz it is possible to record a nice GIF with i3 and probably all other window managers: To make my life easier I put it in a small shell script called :

Max Rosin

Hello again, I am back! In 2011 I started my blog . In the beginning it was more about photography but over the years my focus shifted more and more to tech related blog posts. In 2018 the GDPR came along and because I did not want to spend my time with all the new internet rules I decided to take my blog offline. After a few months I was finally able to catch up with the new regulations and I also realized that I miss my blog. So I replaced my previous Wordpress installation with Hugo - a simple static site generator. Maybe I will repost some of the old content if it is still relevant. From now on I will use my blog again to dump my personal notes for future use. And…